Timothée Mathelin, graphic designer and photographer.
Specialized in electronic music cover artworks and Sci-Fi book cover artworks.

I have worked with more than 30 music labels and created over than a hundred visuals for various music supports (digipak, vinyl, digicase, digital, etc).
Clients : Sciences & Vie Découvertes, Albin Michel Imaginaire, Éditions Soleil, Éditions le Bélial, Big Dada (Ninja Tune), Sun Sea Sky Productions, Jarring Effects, Festival les Intergalactiques …


I have released two books :
“Transhumance” is an artbook summarizing six years of personal and commissioned graphic works and travel photographs.
Order your copy.

“Yume Yume” is a travel book of a 4 months trip in Japan: Photographs, dreams made at night and illustrations.
Order your copy.


NFT’s for sale :
Via Foundation


Kuchidomeryou : 2015 best short-film award at FIFEL (International Energy Film Festival) / Monaco